
IT/DevOps consultant
Cloud/Solution Architect
Board gamer and sci-fi fan
Ponderer of life mysteries
House owner and Handyman

Github Actions set-env deprecation
Swift initial contact
Fresh laptop setup
CICD tooling
Crapp to Cloud

Art of Communication
Value of Certifications


CV - Linkedin

There be blog?

Yes there might be a blog. I intend to share my thoughts and perceptions on subjects I find important and interesting. My ponderings are enlightening and interesting for me. If they are for you as well that’s a bonus :)

Oh, and this site is very much a work in progress. Currently there is some sort of a structure. So now it’s time to focus on content.

I write for my self. I write to remember. I write to get things out of my head. I write to deal with impressions of the world. I write to promote tech. I write to solve tech problems. I write to improve my leadership. I write to learn about DevOps, platforms and infrastructure, among other things.

Legs to walk on?

Sort of. As I was pushed towards becoming an MVP I need to blog some stuff. So that’s what I’m doing. Good times. It’s nice to write about your experiences. It needs to be more hands on tech/DevOps though…