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Value of Certifications


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The value of certifications

The prestige and basic competency of certifications is a thing of discussion. We have the knowledge diploma on one side, and the superficial knowledge on the other. The naysayers argue that skills don’t come from exams. While the yaysayers say that the basic tests are worth something. Both are right. In their own sense.


The basic knowledge courses with a test ensures a basic level of competency. This is a good thing. Then you know the person you hire has the capability to sit down and do a designated chunk of work. Which is what most business needs.

It’s also good for frame agreements. If you can show off your set of skilled labourers then it’s easier to get more business. And groom for the bigger contracts.

In essence certifications are an entry level thing. An introduction to the elements of that sub area of expertise. Then you need to build the hands on experience. (unless you’re a potato:)

The PR, sales and head hunting aspects of certifications are not to be underestimated. Certifications makes these aspects easier. Closing the sale often becomes easier. As a sales rep I would bet on the peer verified competency more often than not. It’s just more convenient and costs me less.


Some people don’t like certifications, so they don’t take them. Those people might be better than the certification hunters. So be wary of the outliers. Certifications can indicate a skill level, but it doesn’t dictate it.

Having the wrong mix of certifications might also be a problem. Having the wrong ones, or too many in one direction might cause people to look elsewhere for their expertise. The idea being that having certifications in the wrong areas says a lot about where you spend your time.

Further more the time spending might be way off if the candidate doesn’t have any hands on experience. Nothing beats the hard earned combat knowledge. Knowing the quirks of the game and having the gut feeling always beats the glorious certifications.